Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cowtown 10K

Today was the Cowtown 5K, 10K, half marathon and marathon! Well actually the last two are tomorrow, but the 5 and 10K's were today. I ran in the 10K and it was SO fun. I've been running for about a year now and am slowly training for a half. I'm sure if I had been really training I could've done the half today, but teaching and being a mom sometimes gets in the way :) My longest run was 8 miles and people say that if you can do that you can do a half, but I didn't want to chance it. I plan on running in a half in the next couple of months because after that we want to start trying for another baby! The run was really pretty because we ran through some really nice neighborhoods and next to the Trinity River. I finished the 6.3 miles in exactly one hour! I wanted to come in under an hour, but I guess right at is fine too. It was a great accomplishment considering over a year ago I couldn't run 2 miles without stopping. I look forward to running a half and then doing the half Cowtown next year!


The Lewis Family said...

Good job, Erin! What a great accomplishment.

Chad Chantelle and Claire said...

Yay! SO happy for you! And I love the part about trying for another go for it!!! :) And I would LOVE to be running partners!