Monday, May 30, 2011


This year we had a few celebrations for Easter. First I took off to go to Laine's Easter egg hunt at her school. It was rainy that day so we the hunt was moved in doors, but the kids didn't know the difference and had fun anyway. Laine acted like she'd hunted for eggs a million times because once she figured out they were placed strategically on the pews she started bull-dozing through them and putting them in her basket. I think she ended up with about 15 eggs while most of the other kids got 5 or so...She has her dad's competitive nature for sure!

Then, the day before Easter Carlie, Patty, Avery, my mom, Laine and I took the girls to Pantego Bible Church for the Easter festivities. We let the girls play some games, eat a hotdog, get their faces painted and then hunt for eggs again. We didn't expect to do all the things before the hunt, so it was a nice surprise to be able to let the girls have some fun! There were SO many kids who hunted in the girls' age group so we were plastered up against the fence waiting to be able to go hunt in their fenced off area and that part wasn't too fun. Moms were pushing their way to the front while dragging their kids behind them. I guess you can't always guarantee kind Christian people even at a church event!

On Easter we had both sides of the family over to watch Laine do a third hunt in our front yard. The Easter bunny came that morning and brought her some goodies and then we let her go hunt for the eggs he hid once all the family was there to watch. We had a good lunch and just laid low the rest of the day! Fun times and hopefully I'll be big and pregnant next Easter :)

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