Today Laine and I met Carlie, Avery, Kay and Barbara at the Children's museum in Fort Worth. After a long wait in line to get our tickets (Carlie has season passes, but for some reason they couldn't find her account number) we headed to the little kids area. Laine went with Barbara last summer and loved the grocery store part and history repeated itself this year :) She LOVED the whole kiddie area including the water features outside, the train cart and the train track.

Then, we headed outside to the Dino Dig area to get that over with since it was already 95 degrees outside :/. Laine of course loved that too because she LOVES to dig in the sand. I can hardly get her to do anything else at the park. Anyway, so we did that for a bit and then came back in to head up to the Grossology exhibit. This is where it started getting hairy for Laine. When she's out of her comfort zone she tends to shut down and no one can really change her mind. She wasn't a huge fan of the robot person at the entrance and since I didn't give her time to adjust to this strangeness she was sort of out of sorts for the rest of the exhibit. She wouldn't climb the little rock wall, she wouldn't go in the big nose thing, she wouldn't press her body up against the "x-ray" machine to examine her tummy and it took her a while to warm up to the slide that looks like the inside of a stomach. To put it simply, she just didn't feel comfortable so she refused to try much. I did get her to slide after some coaxing but by that point the others were ready to move on. We move on to the Planetarium and from the get go I didn't think she'd be comfortable sitting in the dome like structure and watching the show about the stars. I didn't say anything though because I didn't want to plant that seed, so in we went. She immediately said she wasn't comfortable and wanted to stand by the exit doors, so that's what we did. I persuaded her to at least wait until the show came on so that she could really know if she wanted to leave or not and once the stars began to move across the screen, she was done. I didn't push it, so out went. We walked through the Cattle Raiser museum part and then headed down to the Discovery area. This part she LOVED too. She wanted to try cup-stacking, which she wasn't all too bad at. We hula-hooped and she drew on this light stencil pad thing and even watched some big boys throw their paper airplanes. One thing she didn't like in that area was the momentum scooter, but I think she just pictured the little scooter going slowly and it didn't so that scared her. All in all, she loved the museum and we'll definitely be back!
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