Tonight as I was putting Laine to bed she and I were talking and got on the subject of her upcoming flu shot. She's the child who's going to stress herself out majorly over shots, and I'm SO not that way. Her dad HATES shots too, but I've tried to calm her fears of shots and tell her that it'll only hurt for a second and bribe her with things like: frosties, ice cream, snow cones, know the stuff she doesn't normally get except on special occasions. Tonight she of course started getting worked up and I of course tried to calm her and remind her of all the things I've told her before about it only hurting for a second and then me scooping her up and holding her until it feels better, but she was overtired from school and gymnastics today so the consoling wasn't really working. As I was about to get up and leave her room for the night, so asked me if I could stay and hold her. What? Of course! If you know Laine then you know she's not really the one to cuddle or show affection unless it's on her terms so the fact that she asked me to stay and hold her thrilled me. She curled up under my arm and laid her head on my chest and just let herself completely relax. I laid there and soaked it ALL up because I DO know good and well that someday (a day that will come all too soon) will creep up on me and she won't want any form of cuddling and I'll long for that sweet body to lay on me and listen to her breathing. Most nights after I put her to bed I check work emails, watch DVR'd shows, pin on Pinterest, you know the normal things you can't do when kiddos are awake, but tonight all of those things could definitely wait. I wanted to lay there with her until she fell asleep and enjoy the fact that my normally energetic, fun-loving, stubborn-headed three year old wanted ME to hold HER. I sort of regret bringing up the whole shot thing because I didn't want her to be upset, but I also sort of loved it because I got to spend a couple of precious moments hugging and cuddling on my baby. She.Is.My.World.
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