I've been out of the loop this school year because we've been SO busy! School itself is great but I feel like any time I'm home I'm spending it playing with Laine or cleaning. I really want Jackson to cave and let me get a cleaning lady at least just twice a month. I really think it would help just because I wouldn't be stressed out by the middle of the week because my house is a mess. Laine has been adjusting well to MDO and I'm glad because I hate thinking about her not liking it! She makes precious crafts each day and just looking at them make me smile. I imagine her little hands working so hard to make her craft look good. She's doing a lot lately like: singing and dancing, waving to EVERYONE she passes, saying lots of words and starting to put two word sentences together. The latest is "I see" and "all gone". She also loves to look at planes and trucks and cars...Hmmm..Isn't that what little boys are interested in? Haha. We went for her 18 month check-up last week (even though she's almost 19 months) and she was in the 70% for height, 30% for weight and 85% for head circumfrence.
We don't go out much on the weekends unless we are going somewhere with Laine just because we already spend lots of time away from her during the week. This passed weekend we went to Jackson's aunt and uncle's house for a fish fry because they renovated their house in Ft. Worth. It looks really good and most of it was done themselves. We have a one year old birthday party to go to tomorrow, so that will be fun and Laine LOVES birthday parties :) I can't believe in a few months I'll be planning her second!! See...our lives are not very interesting right now. Hopefully with the holidays coming up I'll have some good pics to add and things to blog about!
1 year ago
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