Sunday, July 10, 2011

4 Years!


Riverwalk Cantina

On Thursday Jackson and I will celebrate our 4 year anniversary. We've been together for 7 years altogether :) If you know Jackson at all then you know that he's a long shot from a hopeless romantic or even the least bit affectionate. What a lot of people see on the outside is just a big, tough guy who "doesn't care" what people think about him. Part of that is true, don't get me wrong but he REALLY is a caring, loving person who LOVES his wife and baby dearly. I pretty much have to tell him what is "right" and "wrong" to say still, but he protects us and provides for us and if there's one thing I never, ever worry about is his faithfulness to me and to the family he's created. Laine and I love him dearly and are very happy that we get to call him ours :)

Friday night we stayed at the Gaylord to celebrate our 4 year anniversary and it was very relaxing. We laid out by the pool for awhile and then got ready and went to the Riverwalk Cantina for dinner. After dinner we walked around and I showed him the Gaylord...He's only been to certain parts of it. Then we went to the Texan Station and had a couple of drinks...We both looked at each other and decided we were too tired to hang out anymore and it was only 9pm. We went up to the room and rented "Love and Other Drugs" (adorable movie) and were asleep by 11! Ha! It was nice to get away for the evening, but even nicer to come home to our precious, adorable, angel baby! Happy 4 years honey!!

1 comment:

Chad Chantelle and Claire said...

Ok, I just love the part where you said you still have to tell him what to say sometimes! That cracked me up!!
Happy Anniversary....and many more to come...babies that is! :)