Tuesday, September 14, 2010

18 Months!

Carlie did her 18 month pics at this spot near our houses and they turned out great. I'm waiting for the CD, so I can get some prints of her cute little self!

Laine turned one and a half on Saturday, September 11. I can't believe how fast she's growing and that in another couple of months I'll start the planning for her 2nd birthday! I don't even know if I can handle that right now! I say this every month, but she is just a joy to have as a baby. Honestly, she has something about her that sort of sucks you in and you just immediately fall in love. The ladies in the office at school just LOVE her and they say it brightens their day when they see her. Thankfully, she's at school often and I get to see her smiling face too! I'll take her to the store and people just stop and comment on how cute she is or whatever she's doing is adorable or funny. She loves to push the grocery cart at the store and people think that is hilarious. Most babies ride in the seat of the cart, but Laine isn't too interested in sitting and looking around. She needs to be helping me by pushing the cart. Really all that does is slow me down, but it keeps her smiling so I do it :)

She will TRY and mimic words we say and sometimes does a great job at it. Other times, I look at her and really have to think about what she's trying to tell me because it doesn't sound at all like what she's trying to say. She doesn't do a whole lot of two or three word phrases yet, but she's starting to. She does, "thank you" and "pop pop", but not really two different words like a simple sentence. Until she's two, they still consider her a preemie though, so really right now she's like an average 16 month old. She's still a great eater, although at MDO she doesn't eat a whole lot. I'm sure once she's more comfortable there she'll show them what a great eater she is!

In the fall, I'm going to enroll her in her first 'tumbling' class and I can't wait to see her little body try and balance and do front rolls and stuff. I've looked in to a few places and think I might try to local rec center first. Lots of places don't actually start classes until they're 2 years old, but the rec center has a class for 18 month olds, so I might try. If I wait until she's closer to 2, then maybe the 'real' gym will enroll her since she's so close. If I want a cordinated, cheerleader type then I have to start her early :) I have SO many dreams and ambitions, as do all moms for her and just can't wait to see what kind of little girl she grows to be!

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