1. I'm thankful for my husband who works hard and does his best (most days) to be a loving daddy and husband.
2. My healthy and spunky two year old is at the tip top of the list as well. She is truly a blessing to our lives and I can't imagine my life without her bubbly, independent, loving body!
3. I'm thankful for my precious little family and that we've already in this short time as a family of three have shared so many wonderful memories. It may possibly be that this time next year, we're a family of four!
4. I'm so incredibly thankful for my parents! My mom is honestly the best mother any person could ask for. She loves my baby, loves me and loves the rest of our family so much. I can't imagine my life without her either! My dad is a quiet man, but he loves my mom very much and also loves his children.
5. My job teaching wonderful children is another reason I'm thankful. I teach at a school where the kids value education and truly want to do their best daily. Don't get me wrong, they have their days but overall they're great kids and I really do love going to work everyday.
6. I'm thankful for my brothers. They both have turned in to such great young men and they too have formed great relationships with their niece.
7. Our dogs are like people in our family. They're so loving and the most wonderful thing about them is that they love Laine and put up with her climbing all over them and yelling in their faces. There are times when I want to throw them out back and not let them back in, but for the most part they're good dogs.
8. I'm so incredibly thankful for my in-laws. They are such loving people and would do anything for our family. They love Lainey and it's so fun to see Kristin's little boy Kaden form a relationship with his cousin!
9. I'm so thankful for my wonderful girlfriends. It's so important to have a close group of girlfriends who can trust one another and who are there for each other for whatever the reason may be. I want Laine to see my relationship with my girlfriends and know from an early age, that it's important to form strong bonds with girls who she can trust!
*I can't seem to find any pics on my comp of my wonderful high school friends, but know this particular message if for you too :)
10. I'm very thankful for my extended family as well. We always have such fun together and I feel so blessed that we all love being around each other so much! The only person I could find a pic of was Leah, so everyone else you're included in the message too!

11. I'm so thankful that even at two years old, my little girl LOVES a hobby and school so much already. Gymnastics is something Laine looks forward to each week and it makes me so happy that she loves both of these very important things so much!

12. I'm thankful for MANY other things too: Tristen and her family who have taken Laine in to their family like one of their own. My wonderful team at school that have formed a special bond after working together for years. I'm thankful for my co-workers and for the fact that we all have young kids who get to spend fun play dates with each other in the summers. Im thankful for my life and the people who are in it!!
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