Well pregnancy has definitely set in! The first few weeks my routine hadn't been interrupted at all, but near the 8th week everything changed. I became extremely fatigued and honestly felt like I was a walking zombie for about 3 weeks. I just KNEW I was going to run everyday just like I have been for 3 years, but boy was I wrong! I went from about 20 miles a week, down to about 10 or less. The fatigue was getting the best of me and I was SO thankful that Jackson stepped up and did lots of my normal nighttime jobs. He would clean the kitchen and bathe Laine while I was laid out on the bed at 6 pm. Thankfully that passed and around week 11 I felt MUCH better. I felt good for about a week and then last Monday I ran into a new problem. I went to work on Monday morning and around lunch I felt a fever coming on, a HORRIBLE lower backache, and extreme aches. Once I got home I took my temp and it was over 100 so I called my doctor's office. The on-call nurse decided it would be a good idea for me to come in since my fever was so high and my back hurt so badly. That night I honestly thought about going to the ER because of my backache and called the poor nurse again. She told me that I wasn't dying of a kidney infection, which is what I thought and she really believed that I was fine to wait until the next day for my appointment. I didn't go to work on Tuesday morning and after taking Laine to MDO, I went to get checked out. The NP had me do a urine culture and without too much info, I knew after the urine test that I had a UTI. She put me on a five day antibiotic and sent me home. I felt horrible all day Tuesday and that night, and again on Wednesday. I had a fever for three days straight and I only felt better when I took Tylenol, which I'm very thankful for now! Finally, Thursday I felt better and didn't wake up with a fever which was a very nice change. I felt SO much better and really hope I don't endure another UTI for the remainder of this pregnancy! Then, on Friday I started having a horrible headache and again I've taken Tylenol which seems to mask the headache some...I'm thinking about calling the doctor Monday if they continue and see if she can call me in something. I have my 12 week (I'll actually be 12 weeks and 5 days) appointment on Thursday, so maybe I can wait until then. With ALL of that said, I am so thankful to have made it through my first trimester and can't wait until I meet my second precious angel.
Oh, and I swear I've felt the baby move. I know the difference now between gas bubbles and flutters, and I'm 99% sure that I have felt the fluttering feeling. I have to lay extremely still, but twice now I know I've felt it. Maybe with all of these symptoms that I didn't have with Laine might mean this lil' one is a boy :)
1 year ago
1 comment:
I feel your pain on the UTI infections... they suck! My doc threatened to put me in the hospital while pregnant with Noah when I got one. Thankfully a shot in the butt, antibiotics, and then a preventative antibiotic the remainder of pregnancy did the trick. I hope you start feeling better soon!!
And I'm sure you are feeling the baby move! I felt both Eli and Noah so early on because I guess you just know what to look for.
Still so excited for you!
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