This Christmas came about in an unexpected way, but overall we had a great time. After I lost the baby the thought of Christmas changed a little just because I was so excited to wake up on Christmas morning to find out that we were going to have a little boy, but once everything happened the excitement sort of went away too. I mean, I was definitely excited to see Laine's face and hear her reactions to Santa coming, but for my own selfish reasons, I wasn't as excited. We started our celebrations by attending White's Chapel's Christmas Eve service. Laine and I were the only ones who went, and I'm so glad we did. The church's sanctuary is amazing and the service was beautiful. Laine did really well considering it wasn't geared towards children at all. I really wanted to go to the 2:00 service because it was a children's service, but we had to be in Weatherford at that time, so we had to go to the earlier one. The sermon was perfect and I can't wait to learn more about White's Chapel and hopefully one day become a member there.
After church we rushed home and picked up Jackson with our loaded down SUV full of gifts and headed towards Fort Worth to his grandparents' house. We ate lunch with his grandparents' and aunt and opened gifts there. Laine got some cute stuff and Jackson and I did pretty well too. We didn't have a lot of time to hang out over there because we needed to be at Jackson's parents house at 2:00. We decided that next year we would try and do Christmas with them sometime before the actual day so we could spend more time with them.
Once we got to Weatherford we relaxed, ate, made Christmas crafts with cousins, and opened gifts. Laine again got so many cute things and I got my Sam Edelman flats, Marc Jacobs bracelet, and my new DSLR camera!! Jackson let me open it on Christmas Eve so I could learn how to use it before Christmas morning. We stayed there until around 6:45 and then headed home to spend the rest of the evening and Christmas morning with my family.
That night we hung out with my family and then put Laine to bed so Santa could come!! Christmas morning we got up around 7 and Laine came out to see what Santa brought her. She was so excited to see her train set, make up station, new stroller, and superhero cape! She also was very curious to know how much of the cookies Santa ate that we left out for him. We opened TONS of gifts and had a great time. We relaxed and ate breakfast and then my family went home and we all took a nap. That afternoon, we all met over at my aunt and uncle's in Weatherford (yes we make two Weatherford trips every year) and Lainey got to play in the snow. She had a wonderful time until my brother thought she might like to have a snowball fight and he threw one straight in her face. Unfortunately she was done after that :\. Even though I had some different plans for Christmas this year it all turned out nicely anyway. It truly is not in my hands.

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