Wednesday, January 2, 2013


The title of this post is an unfamiliar word in my vocabulary that has been made VERY familiar. Chorioamniotisis is basically an infection of the uterus that travels to the placenta. This bacterial infection is what sent me in to pre-term labor and is what caused my membranes to rupture. I am still kind of shocked that I have had two very uncommon, but not unheard of problems with both of my pregnancies. With Laine my membranes ruptured due to a condition called Polyhadramnios which is caused from too much amniotic fluid. This condition happened because of Laine's ovarian cyst she had. This time my body developed this infection, it had nothing to do with the baby. My doctor did say that it's VERY serious and if it had been left untreated I could have been in serious danger. I'm happy that the staff at Baylor is so knowledgeable and that they treated me for the infection before it became too endangering. I guess it's a good thing that I have an answer, but it's so incredibly sad to know that my body is what sent me in to labor. On the other hand, it's comforting to know that there isn't something majorily wrong with me and that I am at risk for not having another child. Dr. Walters said that once my periods become regular again we are good to go to start trying again. She doesn't think something this rare will happen again, and she said she could think of three patients who have had similar situations to mine that have gone on to carry full term babies, healthily. All of the sicknesses that I experienced with this pregnancy she said could possibly have been what caused the infection, but it won't ever be really known. I am not going to sit here and rack my brain any longer about how it could have happened and what could've been done differently to prevent it. Those questions won't ever be answered, so now I have to focus on staying healthy and attempt to have a healthy third pregnancy. God is on my side and I know he will continue to guide me in the right direction.

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